Strange Dawn-Opening
Intro for Strance Dawn the Anime series if you want to Download it go to www.bestanime.com

Jak 3 Mission #1 Watch Intro Movie
Not exactly a mission, but the cutscene that starts Jak 3. Copyright Naughty Dog Inc. 2004

Aden Siege Lineage II 1/2
1st Part Of the siege On August 13th, 2005, the Invincible Alliance successfully sieged Aden castle and became the first alliance on Lionna to capture it. Two weeks prior to this siege, the legendary GrandMastaBuff orchestrated the recapture of Oren castle from Syndicate and Resurgence control. With Syndicate going into decline, this was the opportune moment for Invincible to make the move on Aden castle. Invincible signed up to siege in cooperation with the Mirage Alliance; the DxD Alliance also signed up to siege Aden for themselves. Syndicate, Resurgence, and EK made an attempt on our siege camps but they were beaten within minutes. Voo of clan Gorillaz crested the castle and once again Invincible reigns supreme over Lionna. BSO: Story of the Year - Dive Right In Powerman 5000 - Top of the World Hoobastank - Just One Injected - Faithless The Darkness - I Believe In a Thing Called Love

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