陣内大蔵 インタビュー(2008.3.29)
【公式ブログ】toraheita.net 2008.3.29 フォルツァ総曲輪(富山市)で行われたデビュー20周年ワンマンライブ「Long Time No See」が終わった直後の陣内大蔵へのインタビュー。
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Philosophy, Logic And Reason
Science & Reason on Facebook: tinyurl.com Stephen Fry @ BigThink: Philosophy, Logic And Reason. --- Please subscribe to Science & Reason: • www.YouTube.com • www.YouTube.com • www.YouTube.com • www.YouTube.com --- Interview Transcript Question: What philosophers influenced you? Stephen Fry: Philosophy is an odd thing. When we use the word in everyday speech you know you sometimes hear it hilariously. They say, Oh, its never good to be late. Thats my philosophy. You think thats a generous description of that rather dull precept to call it a philosophy, but its odd how philosophers generally speaking, at least the ones Ive read or the ones I you know value, dont have in that sense a philosophy. There is no particular Socratic or Nietzschean or Kantian way to live your life. They dont offer ethical codes and standards by which to live your life. They dont offer a philosophy to follow. They just simply raise an enormous number of questions mostly, so in the sense that you put the question is there a philosopher thats important to me. Well I me I loved really the sort of the Bertrand Russell grand sort of tour of philosophy, the history of philosophy from the pre Socratics as they're called, Zeno and so on through to Socrates and Plato and Aristotle. I never quite liked Aristotle. I think thats partly... Although he was obviously a genius and brilliant and he invented logic, so whats not to like. I think it was his influence on the medieval mind was probably rather pernicious ...
奥三河 のき山放送局 第7回 Bパート 志多ら『悠久の道』への道
この番組は、愛知県の奥三河地域で行われる、様々なイベントや、豊かな自然、そして、それに関わる人たちをご紹介します。 第7回目は、和太鼓集団 志多らの全国ツアー『悠久の道』を紹介します。
デトックスして身体を再生 解説山田豊文10-10-29 「京からGreen
トランス脂肪酸 山田豊文氏 杏林予防医学研究所所長米国公益法人ライフサイエンスアカデミー主宰。YMF研究会理事長倉敷芸術科学大学生命科学部健康科学科講師 www.kyorin-yobou.com index.html " " - Captured Live on Ustream at www.ustream.tv