Kiss Me, Kill Me - Mest
Kiss Me, Kill Me - Mest

A tragedy that's built on destiny It left you with everything but Blood from the knife that I cut your heart out with Now relax, close your eyes, what comes next is the surprise This valentine is doomed The smell of blood has filled this room If I could do it all again I would change most every single thing I would let you Kiss me Kill me Your kiss is torture But killing me would be too easy Our tragedy Seems to be killing everything it sees Like death itself This valentine still looms In the darkest hour, the killing moon If I could do it all again I would let you Kiss me Kill me Your kiss is torture But killing me would be too easy Kiss me (You're all I'm wanting) Kill me (This feeling's haunting) Your kiss is torture But killing me would be too easy Killing me would be too easy Your eyes unwind the tragedy of our lives My eyes went blind Believe when I say Hell burns bright When this night dies Hell burns bright Kiss me Kill me Your kiss is torture But killing me would be too easy Kiss me (You're all I'm wanting) Kill me (This feeling's haunting) Your kiss is torture But killing me would be too easy Kiss me (You're all I'm wanting) Kill me (This feeling's haunting) Your kiss is torture But killing me would be too easy Killing me would be too easy Too easy, too easy, too easy, too easy
@JohanTollen Landslaget skiter jag i. Och Rooney är snart (kanske redan nu) världens mest kompletta lirare. Knappt Pirlo får putsa hans skor
Strax är här lika höstna månader som förra året. Jag längtar nu snart efter snön, fast egentligen mest efter att den sen försvinner.
@Anguche Jag tester sent i eftermiddag. Sitter upptagen mest hela tiden. :)
@GisleThorsen Det ville vist også være det mest fornuftige. Vanvittigt, at han har holdt fast i systemet, når materialet ikke er til det.
Vems memoarer är ni mest peppade på, Nas eller Common?? Vem tror ni har bäst story's??
Det mest överraskande jag har kommit ihåg att jag har glömt bort i dag är en porrvideo med Tomas Ledin.
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