SBI証券の株取引ができるiPhoneアプリ「SBI株取引」 操作デモ01
板発注や逆指値注文、期日指定注文など、SBI証券のWEBサイト上とほぼ同様の株取引機能がiPhoneのアプリケーション内で実現する「SBI株取引」。 ログインから板発注、注文照会、口座管理のデモンストレーションがご覧いただけます。 金融商品取引法に係る表示はこちらsearch.sbisec.co.jp

Dusty Springfield - Wishin' And Hopin'
Dusty Springfield - Wishin' And Hopin' Wishing and hoping and thinking and praying Planning and dreaming each night of his charms That won't get you into his arms So if you're looking to find love you can share All you got to do is hold him and kiss him and love him And show him that you care Show him that you care just for him Do the things he likes to do Wear your hair just for him, 'cause You won't get him Thinking and a-praying, wishing and a-hoping 'Cause wishing and hoping and thinking and praying Planning and dreaming his kisses will start That won't get you into his heart So if you're thinking of how great true love is All you got to do is hold him and kiss him and squeeze him and love him Yeah, just do it And after you do, you will be his You got to show him that you care just for him Do the things he likes to do Wear your hair just for him, 'cause You won't get him Thinking and a-praying, wishing and a-hoping 'Cause wishing and hoping and thinking and praying Planning and dreaming his kisses will start That won't get you into his heart So if you're thinking of how great true love is All you got to do is hold him and kiss him and squeeze him and love him Yeah, just do it And after you do, you will be his You will be his You will be his

ハピチャリ #2 東京タワー〜東京海洋大学
レプロ・ハピチャリ募金部は、 交通安全を啓発しつつ、日本全国を、 自転車によって募金活動して回ります。 レプロエンタテインメントの所属タレント・スタッフ一同は今回の震災を受け、被災された方々と各地のみなさんの思いを繋ぐため、 全国各地を訪ねようと思っています。 募金箱を積んで人の力で進む自転車にまたがり、 たくさんの人の"想い"を集めに各地で募金活動をさせていただきます。人の力で何ができるか、どこまでできるか、 マンパワーで絆を結びます! 出演タレント吉川ひなの、池内博之、羽田美智子、新垣結衣、マリエ、川島海荷、中村蒼、ユージ、中野裕太、今井りか、宇井愛美、杉ありさ、菊地亜美(アイドリング!!! 16 号)、大川藍(アイドリング!!! 20 号)、9nine、紗羅マリー/他『レプロ・ハピチャリ募金部』を通じて集まった義援金は、日本赤十字社などを通じて全額寄付させていただきます。 ご協力いただいた義援金の総額など詳細は、後日ご報告させていただきます。 テーマソング:虹の向こうへlespros

Sexy T-Shirt Tutorial!!! No Sewing Required!!
Send this to your girl friends if you think they will enjoy this :)

Book 07 (Chs. 1-8) - The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo
Book 7.Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Mark Nelson. Playlist for The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo - Books 1-11: www.youtube.com