4月15日、東北大学学生自治会は、多くの市民・労働者の方々とともに、東北電力に対して、すべての原発の停止・廃止を求めて申し入れ行動を行いました。 申し入れ書の全文はこちら↓ blogs.yahoo.co.jp

パール兄弟 - 君にマニョマニョ 1992
新生パール兄弟 Al.「大ピース」から1. 君にマニョマニョです。 1992頃のtv録画です。 大ピース(1992.02.25) ♪「背中にプリンを・・・イルカのおなかに・・・~マニョマニョ~!!」♪ サエキ氏のシュールな歌詞がとてもd(。ゝω・´)イイ!!です。

動画でわかる恋愛心理学 第1回 恋は「どこで」生まれるのか?
素敵な「恋」と「愛」をするための必読本!! 恋は「いつ」「どこで」「だれと」生まれるのだろう? 愛が「愛着」に変わり、「夫婦」となったあと、なぜ危機や破局を迎えるのだろう? 恋愛のカラクリから恋人や夫婦の心理、破局の秘密などを、科学的な視点での解説と6コマ漫画で解説する。

【CGF】ヤック・ルミプレミアムLEDウェッジバルブ 6500k 30系 プリウス用

IRON MAIDEN - Iron Maiden 【Live '83 Germany】
[ World Piece Tour "Westfalenhalle In Dortmund" ] 09/12/1983 Won't you come into my room, I wanna show you all my wares. I just want to see your blood, I just want to stand and stare. See the blood begin to flow as it falls upon the floor. Iron Maiden can't be fought, Iron Maiden can't be sought. Chorus: Oh well, wherever, wherever you are, Iron Maiden's gonna get you, no matter how far. See the blood flow watching it shed up above my head. Iron Maiden wants you for dead. Won't you come into my room, I wanna show you all my wares. I just want to see your blood, I just want to stand and stare. See the blood begin to flow as it falls upon the floor. Iron Maiden can't be fought, Iron Maiden can't be sought. Chorus: Oh well, wherever, wherever you are, Iron Maiden's gonna get you, no matter how far. See the blood flow watching it shed up above my head. Iron Maiden wants you for dead. Won't you come into my room, I wanna show you all my wares. I just want to see your blood, I just want to stand and stare. See the blood begin to flow as it falls upon the floor. Iron Maiden can't be fought, Iron Maiden can't be sought. Chorus: Oh well, wherever, wherever you are, Iron Maiden's gonna get you, no matter how far. See the blood flow watching it shed up above my head. Iron Maiden wants you for dead. ____________________________________________________________________ 《 Setlist 》 4.The Trooper (from Piece of Mind, 1983)→ www.youtube.com 8. 22 Acacia Avenue (from The Number of the ...

気象庁 日本全域に地震警戒宣言
どこにくるかわからんがやばいそうだこんないい加減な警戒宣言があるか俺様がずばり予測してやる3ヶ月以内M7以上大地震発生確率80% 本命 糸魚川静岡構造線フォッサマグナM8 対抗 富士山噴火と東京直下型M7 大穴 三陸地震津波 仙台津波10メートルM8

Camp Rock / This Is Me FULL HQ w/LYRICS
==== LYRICS HERE ==== See my other videos for see ALL the songs from Camp Rock Soundtrack FULL and in HQ! Mitchie Torres / Demi Lovato Shane Gray / Joe Jonas LYRICS I've always been the kind of girl that hid my face So afraid to tell the world what i've got to say But i have this dream bright inside of me I'm gonna let it show, it's time To let you know, to let you know... This is real, this is me Im exactly where im supposed to be now Gonna let the light shine on me Now i've found, who i am There's no way to hold it in No more hiding who i wanna be This is me Do you know what it's like to feel so in the dark To dream about a life where you're the shining star Even though it seems, like it's too far away I have to believe in myself, it's the only way... This is real, this is me Im exactly where im supposed to be now Gonna let the light shine on me Now i've found, who i am There's no way to hold it in No more hiding who i wanna be This is me You're the voice i hear inside my head The reason that im singin' I need to find you I gotta find you You're the missing piece i need The song inside of me I need to find you I gotta find you This is real, this is me Im exactly where im supposed to be now Gonna let the light shine on me Now i've found, who i am There's no way to hold it in No more hiding who i wanna be This is me (You're the missing piece i need the song inside of me) This is me, Yeah (You're the voice i hear inside my head, the reason that im singing) Now i've found ...