ホッキョクグマの赤ちゃんコロンコロン~Polar Bears Baby loaf around
円山動物園のホッキョクグマ、ララ(メス/16歳)の赤ちゃん(性別不明/2010年12月25日生)。 夕方ののんびりした時間、ララが往復歩きしている横で、 ころころとくつろいでいた赤ちゃん。 後ろ足を掴んで、くわえたりしていました。 (2011年5月10日撮影) blog.livedoor.jp ブログ「北の暮らし ~札幌・宮の森から~」内で、「しろくまにっき」も更新中。 ========================== Polar bears at the Maruyama Zoo,Hokkaido,Japan. [Rara] (female, 16 years old) and Baby(four months old). (recorded on May 10, 2011) URL: blog.livedoor.jp Sorry, Japanese only, now...

みづなれい 生徒会戦争 サンプル1 妹制服図鑑 HD動画
『小鳥遊屋』ってブログを開始しましたblog.livedoor.jp 原案原稿を読みたい方はこちらへnovel.fc2.com ショートムービー制作中 サンプル1 テスト段階ですが、見てやってください。 メガネっ娘の妹ゆかり(みづなれい)が中心のストーリーです。 サークル活動みたいなもんなので、撮影も途中までしか出来てませんが仲間内の映像チェック用にアップしてます。

Haruomi Hosono - Super Xevious (1984)
remixed by Haruomi Hosono from a composition of Yuriko Keino. after disbanded Yellow Magic Orchestra, Haruomi Hosono worked on new solo albums projects, one of these projects is "Video Game Music", which is considered one of the first VGM records, 4 month after that release, a single named "Super Xevious" was released in Japan, unlike "Video Game Music", this one contains 3 arranged themes by Hosono.

LILIUM Complete Subbed 【HD】 『 延長バージョン』
エルフェンリートのOP曲の「LILIUM」 ラテン語・英語・日本語の字幕が付い、そしてこの説明の下には翻訳のテキストなどもあります。ご覧ください。 「LILIUM」はラテン語で「ユリ」の意味で、歌の冒頭で歌詞は聖書から二節を引用する。 旧約聖書 詩編37編30節新約聖書 ヤコブ書1編12節そこから歌詞は、祈りのように神様と聖処女マリア様に称賛する。その歌詞はマリア連祷とグレゴリオ聖歌からの引用です。 お楽しみください。 ☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆ Elfen Lied OP Song - "LILIUM" Subtitles in Latin, English, and Japanese. You can find our translations below. "LILIUM" is Latin for "Lily". The song quotes two passages from the bible. Psalms 37ː30 James 1ː12 The rest of the lyrics are found in Marian litany and other Gregorian chants. Enjoy! ----------LATIN・ラテン語---------- Os justi meditabitur sapientiam et lingua ejus loquetur judicium Beatus vir qui suffert tentationem Quoniam cum probatus fuerit, accipiet coronam vitæ Kyrie, fons bonitatis Kyrie, ignis divine, eleison O quam sancta Quam serena Quam benigma Quam amoena esse Virgo creditur O quam sancta Quam serena Quam benigma Quam amoena O castitatis lilium ----------ENGLISH・英語訳---------- The mouth of the righteous uttereth wisdom and his tongue speaketh justice Blessed is the man that endureth temptation for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life LORD, fountain of holiness LORD, divine fire, have mercy O how sacred How serene How benevolent How lovely is this virgin who believes O how sacred How serene How ...

Alfred J. Kwak Ending Song - One Line Multilanguage
Dutch lyrics (thanks to TLKCharlieQH): Ik ben vandaag zo vrolijk, zo vrolijk, zo vrolijk, ik ben behoorlijk vrolijk, zo vrolijk was ik nooit! German lyrics (thanks to Ohanko1): Warum bin ich so fröhlich? So fröhlich? So fröhlich? Bin ausgesprochen fröhlich! So fröhlich war ich nie! Danish lyrics: Hebrew lyrics (thanks to almoglev3): Tamid ani same'ach, Et ha'tzarot shohe'ach, Sho'el rak she'elot, Ve'en li de'agot! Spanish lyrics (thanks to arsuceno): Me siento muy feliz! Feliz muy feliz! Hoy me siento tan feliz, que no hay penas en mi! Swedish lyrics: Finnish lyrics (thanks to LaserdudeNo2): on tänään onnen päivä,ei murheista häivä, on tänään onnen päivä,mä onnellinen oon! English lyrics: Alfred is so merry, so very, very merry He's even bright and cheerful when things are going wrong! (C) Telecable Benelux BV

Book 08 - Chapter 4 - The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo
Book 8: Chapter 4 - Lasciate Ogni Speranza--Leave all hope behind, ye who Enter here.Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Mark Nelson. Playlist for The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo: www.youtube.com

Facebook Fever!
Have ya got the FB Fever? hahaa ;-) Add me on Facebook! www.facebook.com Subscribe for more! :-) www.youtube.com

Read Real Japanese!
I decided to put together an informational video about different methods that I have used to study Japanese. Obviously, everyone learns in different ways but I really wanted to showcase a few things that have done wonders for me. In particular, I wanted to showcase a book from Kodansha titled 'Read Real Japanese Fiction,' which is an excellent book that came out last year. It includes short stories (both in Japanese and English versions) from: Hiromi Kawakami (川上 弘美) Otsuichi (乙一) Shinji Ishii ( 石井) Banana Yoshimoto (よしもと ばなな) Kaoru Kitamura (北村薫) Yoko Tawada (多和田葉子) Here's the official site from Kodansha for that book: www.kodansha-intl.com I also go over some other reading materials, such as different textbooks (the genki books), manga, japanese books, and video games. There's also a bit about electronic dictionaries and my favorite Kanji dictionary. Hopefully something in this video inspires you to find your own to better study the Japanese language. 頑張りましょうね。 more info on the New Nelson Dictionary: en.wikipedia.org Online Japanese-English dictionary that I like: www.csse.monash.edu.au my blog, now with new updates and links on the side for teaching in Japan: www.tokyoswan.blogspot.com