Mary Hopkin Donna Donna

Mary Hopkin Donna Donna

"You Look Familiar" A new CD from Mary Hopkin and Morgan Visconti release date 25/10/2010 Mary Hopkin sings Donna Donna, from the Expo 70 concert in Osaka Japan 1970 "Recollections" a NEW CD now available via Mary Hopkin Music http Born in Wales Mary began her musical career as a folk singer with a local group called the Selby Set and Mary. She released an EP of Welsh language songs for a local label called Cambrian before signing to the Beatles Apple Label, model Twiggy saw her winning a TV talent show and recommended her to Paul McCartney. She was one of the first artists to record on the Beatles record label Her debut single" Those Were the Days" got to number 1 in the UK and number 2 in the US. Selling over 8 million copies. A little something more about Mary! In September 2005 she released an album on her own label, "Mary Hopkin Music", called "Live at the Royal Festival Hal!" It was followed in December 2006 by a brand-new Christmas recording, "Snowed Under", released as an mp3 download via To celebrate her birthday in 2007, she released an album called "Valentine", on her new label It includes 12 previously unheard tracks dating from 1972 to 1980, three of which were written by Mary.

RT @nuiguruminta: まだまだ「無邪気で邪気なみんなのうた」を立体化するには材料と築き上げた関係性が圧倒的に足りない。合宿か遠足を稽古日程に入れておくべきだったな。きっとすごい演劇を作ります。どうか立ち会ってください。

RT @nuiguruminta: まだまだ「無邪気で邪気なみんなのうた」を立体化するには材料と築き上げた関係性が圧倒的に足りない。合宿か遠足を稽古日程に入れておくべきだったな。きっとすごい演劇を作ります。どうか立ち会ってください。

@rin___ne_mie 昔みんなのうたで聞いてた「きっとしあわせ」これ生歌で聞けたら感動だなー!ぐぐったら福見安子さんって方が歌ってるみたい^^

@miyatkrxyz えっ ああ、NHKね、あれよく見てたよ! みんなのうたをよめにかえたのか、今理解した^q^

@moonsongmichi 銀色夏生さん大好きです・・・ひさびさに懐かしい・・・ 幼い頃NHKみんなのうた「ポケットの中で」を視聴して、詩の世界に感動して以来、すごく好きです。読みたくなってきた。

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