Over Time ep. 10 part 3

Over Time ep. 10 part 3

no credit mine.
@billowl they shoulda won the last world cup but were screwed over, not really their fault last time, I'm more of a football fan!

I've been awake for quite some time now, but I'm at war with myself over whether to

can not cope with @peterrkingg buzzing over fifa at this time of the morning! boys and there games :|

RT @BookofQuote: I said I'm over you , but every time my phone vibrates , my heart still wishes it's a text from you.

Beautiful girls all over the world . I could be chasing but my time will be wasting ..

RT @BookOfQuote: I said I'm over you , but every time my phone vibrates , my heart still wishes it's a text from you.

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