Renault Sport F1 took a range of Renault Sport cars out for a spin on Nürburgring circuit

Renault Sport F1 took a range of Renault Sport cars out for a spin on Nürburgring circuit

In July, Renault Sport F1 and the drivers of Teams powered by the RS27 engine met on the legendary circuit of Nürburgring.
I don't have to go to work on Thursday & Friday next week :D Maybe my boss knows that it's F1 weekend :D I can watch FP1 & FP2!

Williams F1 today confirmed that Sam Michael will join McLaren as Sporting Director #f1

@ohitsdinda haaah? F1 di SG yang perform GD-Top? Bukannya di Malay? #superlatetweet

Keep It Local Make it Global.....!! #F.O #FamilyOne #F1

10 mre days to f1 - GDTOPRI ^^

Ufa,pensei q fosse só eu RT@kibeloco Confesso: assisto F1 torcendo por batida, Miss Univ torcendo por tropeço e Jô torcendo p/cadeira cair.

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