GDW (銀牙伝説ウィード) - Heros Comeback opening
GDW (銀牙伝説ウィード) - Heros Comeback opening

ORIGINAL UPLOAD - August 19th, 2010 ------- Please rate/comment/subscribe/fave! too lazy to do the entire song, so I just used the shorter version :B Naruto-Ginga crossovers are fun ^^ first of a quick note about subs and the like; these are the real lyrics - for some odd reason most of the official naruto openings for this had different lyrics :( annoying really XD just clearing that up so i dont get people trolling and saying how i 'got it all wrong' XB love this anime... sure the anatomy can be sorta mucked up at times but its still a classic for me... and i just love all of the characters :) out of curiosity, who is the fave for you? Mine's gotta be GB, i love his voice XD also about the real subtitles... sorry about them XD i could have put a black bar along the bottom but stupid imovie only has one that takes up half the screen and i didn't think they were that bad :S sorry if they annoy you ... if they do, just stick a piece of paper at the bottom, although that would most likely be more annoying XD audio is Hero's Comeback by Nobody knows (Naruto Shippuden 1st opening) Anime is Ginga Densetsu Weed
この間「若者は知らないマンガ~」で「リングにかけろ」とか呟いたけど でも、この漫画ホントに面白いです!オットの所持本なんだけどねw 暇つぶしに読み始めたらとまらなくなったw 「銀牙伝説WEED」とかもw
スケットダンス最近みてねーわ ジャンプも読んでねーし なんかもう完全に買ってる漫画銀牙伝説WEEDオリオンしかなくなった
単行本「銀牙伝説WEEDオリオン」第 12巻 購入、読了。再び戦う、オリオンと政宗。輝宗を失ったリゲル。人質と称して、奥羽軍に入る無邪気なボン。政宗は、西日本を支配する“天下”との戦いへ。
小学館から。『シーズンズ~なつのひかりの~』『正義警官モンジュ 12』 モンジュー面白かったよー!!ありがとうー!合わせて日本文芸社から。『銀牙伝説WEEDオリオン 12』『今日からヒットマン 21』 さらにスクエニから。『君と僕。 10』 アニメ化決定おめでとうございます。
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