IRON MAIDEN - Iron Maiden 【Live '83 Germany】
IRON MAIDEN - Iron Maiden 【Live '83 Germany】

[ World Piece Tour "Westfalenhalle In Dortmund" ] 09/12/1983 Won't you come into my room, I wanna show you all my wares. I just want to see your blood, I just want to stand and stare. See the blood begin to flow as it falls upon the floor. Iron Maiden can't be fought, Iron Maiden can't be sought. Chorus: Oh well, wherever, wherever you are, Iron Maiden's gonna get you, no matter how far. See the blood flow watching it shed up above my head. Iron Maiden wants you for dead. Won't you come into my room, I wanna show you all my wares. I just want to see your blood, I just want to stand and stare. See the blood begin to flow as it falls upon the floor. Iron Maiden can't be fought, Iron Maiden can't be sought. Chorus: Oh well, wherever, wherever you are, Iron Maiden's gonna get you, no matter how far. See the blood flow watching it shed up above my head. Iron Maiden wants you for dead. Won't you come into my room, I wanna show you all my wares. I just want to see your blood, I just want to stand and stare. See the blood begin to flow as it falls upon the floor. Iron Maiden can't be fought, Iron Maiden can't be sought. Chorus: Oh well, wherever, wherever you are, Iron Maiden's gonna get you, no matter how far. See the blood flow watching it shed up above my head. Iron Maiden wants you for dead. ____________________________________________________________________ 《 Setlist 》 4.The Trooper (from Piece of Mind, 1983)→ www.youtube.com 8. 22 Acacia Avenue (from The Number of the ...
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ブルース ディッキンソンとオースティン ディッキンソン。似てるのは顔だけだな
@urawaneko ブルース・ディッキンソンはクソ野郎だ! アイツは「俺は貴族だ。正確には伯爵だ。」と言ったら「それがどうした?」と吐かしやがった。
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