SDN48, Iconiq, Be-ppin, Nerdhead, ZE:A, Juno, Jamosa @ Girls Awards S/S 2011 Tokyo | FashionTV - FTV

SDN48, Iconiq, Be-ppin, Nerdhead, ZE:A, Juno, Jamosa @ Girls Awards S/S 2011 Tokyo | FashionTV - FTV TOKYO - TFN 62 FashionTV brings you the latest in Tokyo fashion in this week's Tokyo Fashion News. One of Tokyo's premiere fashion and music events, the Girls Awards Spring/Summer 2011 collection, happened at the Yoyogi National Stadium First Gymnasium and FashionTV was there until the very end. Singer Iconiq talked about her excitement to headline the event. Model Jun Hasegawa opened the show and got the crowd fired up. The theme for the event was bright colors and the latest spring and summer trends including long summer gowns, jumpsuits, patterns, and lots of summer hues. Even a lavish wedding gown and thick high heels were highlighted by model Lena Fujii. Yupendi model/designer Natsumi Kuroki said you can feel the earth with her pieces. Several models also spent time collecting donations for the victims of the east Japan earthquake. Popular brands and select shops like Alternative, Lumine, and Loveless were also a part of this event. Model and tv personality Moe Oshikir talked about Loveless's queen of the desert theme. Music acts were highlighted in addition to the models, including Korean artists and local artists. The Girls Awards after party was held at the Vanity Lounge and the models from the show as well as members from the audience helped to heat the night up. Models: Natsuki Kato, Elli-Rose (Model/Tv Personality), Yumiko Hara (Model/Actress), Ai Tominaga, Alisa Urahama (Model/Tv Personality), Hanna Matsushima, Audrey Ayaka, Liv, Mily, Moe Oshikiri ...
おお、iconiqも行ったんだー。隣はTakuさんじゃないですよね?w @iconiqview in Tachytelic night☆ 楽しすぎた踊りすぎた金曜日ー♫


@iconiqview Iconiq looking good. Sending you some love from San Fran

RT @ICONIQ_NEWS: もしICONIQがグッズを出すとしたら… たとえば、アクセサリー?バッグ?靴?洋服?小物?…あなたは、どんなグッズが欲しいですか?

もしICONIQがグッズを出すとしたら… たとえば、アクセサリー?バッグ?靴?洋服?小物?…あなたは、どんなグッズが欲しいですか?

気さくで良い子でした☆RT @FaBY007: ナツ面RT @STR0081: 隣でICONIQが飯食ってる。

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