Brown vs. Cameron during Queen's Speech debate

Brown vs. Cameron during Queen's Speech debate

State Opening of Parliament. Closing remarks of Prime Minister Gordon Brown during the 2007 Queen's Speech debate with Leader of the Opposition David Cameron in a scene similar to PMQs (Prime Minister's Questions). During the discussion, David Cameron refers to Brown in the first person, which is technically out-of-order in the House of Commons, but the Speaker doesn't do anything about it. When asked by Cameron about inheritance tax Brown gives an immediate and direct answer, however he then evades the question about the election that never was. I wonder why?
#JFT96 Parliament to debate the release of Hillsborought files on 17th of October. About bloody time. The people deserve the truth. #YNWA

Rakhi Sawant comments on MP's "All those MP's who sleep in parliament, item songs must be played for them". Parliament shd have beds too.

RT @zerohedge: Belgium's parliament approves a second Greece rescue plan. Belgium has a parliament?

Dear DisHonourable Members of Parliament, plz dont push the election date claiming more time to deliver. Given 97 yrs, U still wont.

RT @danroan: Breaking: Parliament will debate the release of the Hillsborough files for the first time in 13 years on Oct 17th in the Chamber

RT @davidwaks: Hot girl that works TI has tattoos, prefers Parliament Lights but second favorite is Marlboro 27. I'm in love.

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