Splatterhouse - Wanpaku Graffiti (NES Gameplay)
Splatterhouse - Wanpaku Graffiti (NES Gameplay)

Info about the game: Japanese name: スプラッターハウス わんぱくグラフィティ, translated as "Splatterhouse - Naughty Graffiti". Year: 1989 Developer: Namco Publisher: Namco Distributor: Nintendo Platform: Famicom (Japanese NES) Genre: Beat ´em up, Horror All Splatterhouse - Wanpaku Graffiti characters are copyrighted by Namco Bandai. I do not own any material of this video. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey there. I was supposed to upload a video about this game long time ago, but back then I didn´t knew there was a NES emulator with recording ability. So, what I think about this game? As a NES game, I think it is between OK and good. However, as a game in Splatterhouse series, I think it is not that good. I know it is supposed to look less violent than the other games of the series, but still... When you play this game, REMEMBER TO KILL EVERYTHING, as Rick gets one "experience point" per enemy. The amount of experience needed is in the top left corner of the screen. As Rick "levels up", his health bar grows larger. And now, some text from Wikipedia: "Splatterhouse: Wanpaku Graffiti was the second game to be released in the Splatterhouse video game series. Unlike the other games in the series, Wanpaku Graffiti was released only on the Family Computer and is Japanese exclusive. It is also the first Splatterhouse game to be released for a home console. The game itself differs from the other ...
@yuu__ri \男気全開だにゃっ!!/ ありがとう!わんぱくにゃんこの翔ちゃんだよー!(*´∀`*)
@ogayahago ググおつww わんぱくな発想だなあ^^^^ ちなみにねー、わたしはねー、挑戦しないからねー
@ai_elegy そうだね ~ジタン最初はわんぱく小僧の様な感じだったけど、芯は通ってるし大人と子どもの間のキャラかと…
@n7ijiakum じゃあ今度個人的に授業頼むね先生(^^)/私わんぱく小僧になるよ(・ω・´)b
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