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小林明子Akiko Kobayashi - Perfect Love

小林明子Akiko Kobayashi - Perfect Love

私の好きな歌 One of my favourite song of Akiko Kobayashi-san, Highly Recommended!!! " Perfect love" from Akiko Kobayashi 's Album "BonVoyage~" (1989) Perfect Love 作詞、作曲: 小林明子 編曲 : 斉藤 毅Now, this is the chance To say I love you and make you stay We know we've been together But somehow we've grown apart along the way For you wanted to be free And you felt that I would tie you down But don't you know it was the only way To show that I really cared for you * How many times I hide away Away from the truth I know There is no perfect love that I really want It hurts me to get the rewards of love But now, I'm not afraid to feel the pain Cause we ought to share our lives Untill the moment we overcome the doubts And reach immortal love Sometimes, It is so hard for me To try to understand the way you feel Cause I'm lost, and I am wondering Oh darling, is there anything to belive in this world

@kokekurabu 歌手のEPOさん…昨日かな。上越公演の感想きいて、次は佐渡へどうぞ…と(笑)。あと最近♪恋におちての小林明子さん。

RT @pinotalbot: 覚えやすい! RT @Perfumer_OW: 「もしも私が」と歌い出すのが小坂明子、「もしも願いが」と歌い出すのが小林明子 RT @pinotalbot: 小坂明子と小林明子をよく混同してしまう。

「もしも私が」と歌い出すのが小坂明子、「もしも願いが」と歌い出すのが小林明子 RT @pinotalbot: 小坂明子と小林明子をよく混同してしまう。

小林明子 -恋におちてrccラジオで先程放送「Good」

明後日休みだから、気が向いたら明日久々にカラオケでも行こうかな。 うっかり小林明子とか歌ってしまうかもだけど(笑)

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