Sex and the City
今「Breakfast at Tiffany's(ティファニーで朝食を)」を読んでいるのですが、
Jesus: The Miracle Maker [VHS] [Import]
The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do, Revised and Updated
Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps: How We're Different and What to Do About it
I was particularly interested in the difference on how to read maps between men and women. I hadn't recognized that before, though. Certainly, it is strange to turning the map around so often. It seems quite logical to most women to turn the map according to the direction where they are going, while men think it's ridiculous. In this case, men have better spacial skills than women, I guess. On the other hand, Allan and Barbara Pease also seemed to say that men get more distracted than women. What does it mean? According to this book, men generally hate being talked to while driving. I just wondered why men have this sort of downside in spite of their great spacial skills. At first, I thought this applied to new and/or poor drivers because they tend to be too nervous to talk while driving. However, I gradually found out that it is a matter of how to arrive faster at where they are headed for. Overall, it may be hard to judge either spacial skills outweigh concentration or vice versa.
So I wish both men and women could use well-balanced spacial skills and concentration. Therefore, they wouldn't have to waste their energies on arguements in cars.
ラジオ ヘブン
今はうるさい時代なのでこんなギャグはリリースできないかも。やたら倫理協会と称する人々に検閲されてしまうから。 すぐ「こんな物は子供たちの悪影響の産物」などと抹消したがる。それより各家庭での教育が先の気気がするのだが。二千年代は前途多難である。