Cher Elusive Butterfly

Cher Elusive Butterfly

Art photos of Cher from a poster from her last cd, Living Proof, Often referred to as the Butterfly poster. Along with other art photos and Cher's recording of "Elusive Butterfly,"written by Bob Lind, from her second album, "The Sonny Side of Cher" (1966) Here are the liner notes..Something Special It can be the first time you tasted chocolate ice cream on a hot summer day, or the first ray of sunshine breaking through the night's blackness. To some it can be crtstal raindrops settled on cool green leaves, or the sound of that same crtstal rain gently falling on tile rooftops. For others it may be the chirping sound of the night crickets, or the strum of a guitar string from the house next door breaking the night stillness. It could be a song that reminds you of another time, place, someone, or the sensation recieved from certain words, sounds, rhythm.... It's all feeling, and whatever it is , It is significant for you and only you. This album has feeling; its songs are special. Special, not only because of the material, but because they are sung by Cher. She hopes there is something special here for you. You are special to her, and this is hery way of telling you. -Richard Oliver.
@reriina 代わりにと言っては何ですが、「月の輝く夜に」もなかなかいいですよ。シェールとニコラス・ケイジがいい感じで面白かったです(^^)因みに、先程の作品共々80年代のものです。

@tomozogonzo @tokyun シェール、頭大爆発。え、マジで?桜井さんの?今日は久々に「Supermarket fantasy」を聞いてたとこだったのだよ。エソラ。お、晴れてきた!

正解 @z_piace @taomai: 「月の輝く夜に」シェールはこの映画の頃と全然変わらないですね^^。 RT @tatunootosigo:今日だから イタリア系 婚約するが婚約者の弟の方と… オペラ鑑賞のために素敵に変身  #好きな映画の特徴を3つ言って当ててもらう



ケイジは変わってしまいましたね。 RT @taomai taomai「月の輝く夜に」シェールはこの映画の頃と全然変わらないですね^^。 RT @tatunootosigo:今日だから イタリア系 婚約するが婚約者の弟と… オペラ鑑賞  #好きな映画の特徴を3つ言って当ててもらう

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