Beagle Puppy Attacks Rottweiler

Beagle Puppy Attacks Rottweiler

Rottweiler Marlow playing "dog fight" with beagle puppy Indie. ( 9 week old baby beagle and 1 year old Rottweiler ) more photos of marlow (rottweiler) -
Haha! Just heard how my niece's Rottweiler (miniature teacup Yorkshire) hunted a Nyala which proceeded to hunt the dog. Zim...

The highlight of my dream was laying down at home w/ my female Rottweiler watching TV and going to sleep <3

@JuliaStiles @BritneySpears @Penthouse ♔ @Bible @BarackObama @Yea_ @6_6_76 ♔ We came as Friends @Pentagon @ClubStephenKing @Rottweiler @ATT

Just saw a man wearing a gas mask yell at a man wearing a muscle-tank holding a Rottweiler because his "feelings were hurt" #realtalk

I to a rottweiler mixed with a maltese nigga - @RayJ-

own , hoje eu vi dois filhotes de rottweiler , que lindas ' me lembra muito o meu :(

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