Pug Dog Earns Online MBA - A Cautionary Tail

Pug Dog Earns Online MBA - A Cautionary Tail

geteducated.com Chester, a pug dog, is awarded an online MBA from Rochville University, a distance learning college suspected of being a degree mill. Chester, the mascot of Get Educated, a group that rates and ranks online colleges, pays $499 for his degree. Alas, the pug cant get a job because his college lacks proper accreditation. Fraud involving distance learning colleges is a worldwide epidemic. GetEducated.com offers a free service, The Diploma Mill Police, to help online students avoid education scams and help employers screen resumes for credential fraud. Read more at http
If you fed a pug a bowl of food laced with the genetic code for rhythm, could said dog break dance?

@emk84 Roo loves next doors kids,They'll lay on the ground & she'll go all wiggly & lick them...What a devil dog!Her best friend is a pug.

The kid I tutor got a dog, a pug one. Few weeks ago. Kasian gue ngeliat tampang anjingnya. Mau bilang dia jelek juga ga tega :3

Bummed that the dog hotel is closed. Gotta wait until morning to pick up Pearl the Pug. Going to have to buy her a present, something chewy

My fawn pug lost her 1st tooth. Guess I'll put it under her pillow and the dog treat fairy will come tonight.

A pug just bite me. .... Stupid dog

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