Kingdom Hearts 2 Sephiroth

Kingdom Hearts 2 Sephiroth

OK, I know I'm late, and there are millions of these on youtube already, but that's not going to stop me from making one of my own. Plus I've got some promises to keep. I promised some friends of mine that I would kick this guys ass someday, and that's just what I'm going to do in this movie. Sephiroth is HARD!! But then again, so is Emerald Weapon, Omega Weapon, and Penance. Once you level up and Uber your stats, they are all a piece of cake. KH2 Sephiroth is no different. He kicked my ass at first, and probaly all of yours too! ^_^. Unfortunity for him, I'm a fast learner. Before, I couldn't even take away 3 life bars, but now I can beat him so fast that not only does he NOT even get a chance to cast Sin Heartless Angel, but the music doesn't even get a chance to loop! My attack is insane because I made LOTS of Power Boosts. Defense is a good idea too, so you won't have to heal every time he gets you in a combo. Now I'm not the best at this, I can't beat him at low levels.....yet, and I simply can't beat him without getting hit. But I can still own him pretty damn fast. Also, I needed something to get the blood flowing since I play FF games a lot. many of your probaly think I'm only good at RGPs and such. I can assure you that's not the case. Of Course, I have a file saved for this fight. My Sora's at level 91 right now. I'm going to bring him to mx and raise his attack and defense even more. I want to see how fast I can beat him. If you time this one, it took me about ...

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